
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Subtle Energy and Your Nervous System: C.J. Llewelyn and Dawson Church in Conversation
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
C.J. Llewelyn, MEd, is a licensed professional counselor in private practice. She works with clients struggling with trauma and addiction. C.J. is a trained Internal Family Systems therapist and certified in EMDR. She uses polyvagal theory as a foundation for her work. She is a Reiki Master and curious observer of the human condition. Her book Chakras and the Vagus Nerve reveals the psychological dimensions each of your chakras holds and explains how your body experiences the pain of trauma.
Here she and Dawson discuss:
Vagus patterns in the chakras
Filtering and attuning to reading energies
Feeling safe in our bodies allows us to connect with our spiritual experiences
Compassionate connection with self and others
The vagus nerve is bilateral, so as we use bilateral eye movements or tapping we no longer respond somatically to triggering stimuli
When the trauma is cleared, you feel different in your body
Exercise: Be curious about the energy in your body
To learn more about C.J.'s books and work: https://cjllewelyn.com/
Dawson can be found at: https://dawsonchurch.com/
And to preorder Dawson's next book, Spiritual Intelligence: https://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-Intelligence-Activating-Circuits-Awakened/dp/160415294X/
#highenergyhealth #eft #meditation #chakras #vagusnerve #blissbrain #mindtomatter #spiritualintelligence

Thursday Dec 26, 2024
Mind Magic: James Doty and Dawson Church in Conversation
Thursday Dec 26, 2024
Thursday Dec 26, 2024
James Doty, MD is a Tulane-trained neurosurgeon, Stanford professor, and New York Times bestselling author of Mind Magic and Into the Magic Shop. He is the founder and director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford, of which His Holiness the Dalai Lama is the founding benefactor. He holds multiple patents and is the former CEO of Accuray (ARAY:NASDAQ). Dr. Doty has given support to a number of charitable organizations supporting peace initiatives and providing healthcare throughout the world. Additionally, he has supported research, provided scholarships and endowed chairs at multiple universities.
Here he and Dawson reflect on:
James' story
Understanding that everyone is suffering
Becoming friends with the Dalai Lama, Thich Nat Hanh, and Eckart Tolle
To live in fear or love
Seeing the suffering of others
How your mental state has a profound effect on body
Manifesting all the time and why the baggage we carry from childhood affects what we manifest
The 6 to 10 million bits of information passing through our sensory system every second ...but we can only pay attention to 50 to 100 of these
Creating neural pathways through repetition, embedding our intention
Why embedded thoughts lock us into an unhealthy narrative
To be a whole person you have to integrate your shadow ...every human being has one
How to let the negative thoughts slide by, say “I deserve love and compassion”
For more information about Dr. Doty and his latest book:
His app can be found at: www.happi.ai
And to reach host Dr. Dawson Church: https://dawsonchurch.com/
#mindtomatter #spiritualintelligence #blissbrain #mindmagic #intothemagicshop #eft #meditation #highenergyhealth

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Herbal Intelligence: David Hoffmann and Dawson Church in Conversation
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
David Hoffmann is the author of 14 books, such as The Holistic Herbal and Medical Herbalism, that have been translated into 9 languages. He is a Fellow of Britain’s National Institute of Medical Herbalists. After moving to the US in 1986 he became co-founder and is a past president of the American Herbalist Guild. His most recent book is Herbal Intelligence.
Here he and Dawson discuss:
The value of living a life of simplicity
Embracing everything including the darkness
Getting rid of conditioning
How Herbalism is integrating humans into the whole of life
Why in every culture from the most ancient ones they have used herbalism
Thinking of herbs as alleviating distress and empowering rather than curing
The 6 herbs that everyone should know about
Reducing inflammation, easing coughs, improving skin, promoting relaxation
The profound science behind herbalism
Being in community with people, animals, plants and nature
Enoughness gives us space to grow and love each other
To purchase David's book, Herbal Intelligence: Plant Teachers and the Return of Viriditas
To connect with Dawson, his work, and his books:
#mindtomatter #blissbrain #herbalintelligence #spiritualintelligence #eft #meditation

Monday Nov 25, 2024
The Awakening Intensive with Dawson Church
Monday Nov 25, 2024
Monday Nov 25, 2024
A rare treat! A solo High Energy Health episode! Here, host Dr. Dawson Church leads listeners through a set of energy exercises. They are designed to cultivate a sense of community and allow you to feel your energetic connection with others on the same path. They also help you develop healthy boundaries, release tension in your body, and cultivate the slow waves of healing and renewal in your brain. He explains the Four Circuits of the Brain's Enlightenment Network, and how you can develop these one by one.
Celebrating the connection we all share as community
Exercise 1: Energetic connection with the whole group
Exercise 2: Maintaining healthy boundaries and returning to your own energy space
Exercise 3: Tapping to release tension in the body
Exercise 4: Eye movements to bring the brain into alpha-theta state
The Awakening Intensive Meditation Retreat
Ancient spiritual practices filtered through the lens of neuroscience
The Four Circuits of the Brain's Enlightenment Network
How activating the Enlightenment Network leads to ecstatic states of joy
For more information, visit: https://eftuniverse.com/awakening-intensive/
#highenergyhealth #spiritualintelligence #blissbrain #mindtomatter #eft #meditation #thebrain #enlightenmentnetwork #awakening

Tuesday Nov 12, 2024
Your Magical Power of Choice: Jonathan Hammond and Dawson Church in Conversation
Tuesday Nov 12, 2024
Tuesday Nov 12, 2024
Jonathan Hammond is a spiritual counselor and author of The Shaman’s Mind. He is a graduate of Harvard and a master teacher of Reki and Shamanism. He teaches classes in the Hawaiian healing art of Huna at Omega Institute and online.
Here he and Dawson discuss:
Jonathan's background
Empathic attunement with indigenous mind
The enchantment of human and natural worlds
The energy of Hawaii
Aloha: to share life force or breath
What’s lighting you up? It’s like that for a reason!
The Huna tradition
The ability to make a choice is magical power
Trauma blindsides us and the nervous system creates an inner critic
Looping trauma and how to interrupt it
Using Ho’oponopono
“I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”
Jonathan can be found online at: https://mindbodyspiritmaui.com/
And Dawson can be found at: https://dawsonchurch.com/
#mindtomatter #spiritualintelligence #blissbrain #eft #highenergyhealth #meditation #theshamansmind #huna #hawaii

Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Fulfilling Relationships: Dené Logan and Dawson Church in Conversation
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Dené Logan is a marriage and family therapist, spiritual teacher, and host of the podcast Cheaper Than Therapy, which gives a behind-the-scenes look at coaching sessions with clients and interviews with thought leaders in the field of mental health and wellness.
Here Dené and Dawson discuss:
Lifetime curiosity about our behavior patterns
Often there is conflict over who’s getting what share of the energy
Eastern traditions have an understanding of our own wholeness
Building on Jung’s work on the masculine and feminine within each person
Jung’s individuation process
As a society we’re questioning: who are we?
When you take everything away, who am I?
Getting into intuition and synchronicity
Why you can feel the energy between people
Always be respectful about your partner
Should you do your psychological growth work within the relationship?
The first thing to do in your relationship is to ask why
The Stoics always asked the first question: Know yourself
Know your story and your own purpose, then bring an individuated self into the relationship dynamic
Our relationships are these mirrors that are showing us ourselves
You are the love of your life
To learn more about Dené and her work: https://denelogan.com/
To find Dawson and his work: https://dawsonchurch.com/
#mindtomatter #blissbrain #eft #meditation #highenergyhealth #relationships #marriage #couples #cheaperthantherapy

Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Getting Past Defensiveness: Sarah Close and Dawson Church in Conversation
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Sarah Close is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Oregon. She received her MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and operates from a Relational, Trauma-Informed approach. She is trained in EMDR and NARM. Sarah gently aims to shift the focus of mental health care from the struggles and ‘problems’ we all face, to the resiliency and wisdom inherent in seeking help. She has been with BetterHelp since its inception in 2013, supporting this online service dedicated to making mental health care more accessible to everyone. BetterHelp’s network of over 30,000 licensed therapists has helped millions of people take ownership of their mental health and work towards their personal goals.
Here Sarah and Dawson discuss:
Sarah's background feeling trapped by her desire to help
Research into complex PTSD
Trauma results from an event when our needs are not met
Survival needs, relationship needs, attachment needs
As we approach healing, our defensive strategies come up
Being stuck in the negative belief that 'I’m not enough'
Why some people do not heal despite effective treatments like EMDR and EFT?
Suggestions for self-care
To reach out to Sarah or other therapists in the BetterHelp network:
To reach out to Dawson: https://dawsonchurch.com/
#mindtomatter #podcast #blissbrain #eft #emdr #betterhelp #highenergyhealth #therapy #mentalhealth

Saturday Oct 26, 2024
Spiritual Intelligence and Leadership: Yosi Amram and Dawson Church in Conversation
Saturday Oct 26, 2024
Saturday Oct 26, 2024
Yosi Amram is a clinical psychologist, leadership coach, and author of Spiritually Intelligent Leadership. Previously he was founder and CEO of two companies that he has led through successful IPOs. Yosi has coached over 100 CEOs, many of whom have built companies with thousands of employees and revenues in the billions. With engineering degrees from MIT, an MBA from Harvard, and a Ph.D. in Psychology from Sofia University, he is a pioneering researcher in the field of spiritual intelligence. His research has received over 1000 citations. Yosi is committed to awakening greater spiritual intelligence in himself and the world.
Here Yosi and Dawson share their views on:
Yosi's background
Yosi’s research
The 7 Dimensions of Spiritually Intelligent Leadership
Meaning, Grace, Inner-direction, Community, Authentic Presence, Truth, Wisdom
Trusting the universe, opening to beauty in our work
Bringing joy into work makes us creative and spontaneous
Working in alignment with our core values
The most precious resource we have is our attention
Exercise: connect with your breath, drop into body, heartbeat
Yosi's website is: https://yosiamram.net/
And Dawson can be found at: https://dawsonchurch.com/
#mindtomatter #blissbrain #highenergyhealth #leadership #spiritualintelligence #eft #meditation

Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
Living Open Versus Closed: Nate Klemp and Dawson Church in Conversation
Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
Nate Klemp is a philosopher, mindfulness entrepreneur, and the author of several books including Start Here, The 80/80 Marriage, and Open: Living With an Expansive Mind in a Distracted World.
Here Nate and Dawson discuss living with an open mind, and provide you with four provocative exercises you can use to live an open life as well as:
The two modes of being in the world: open and closed
Nate's background and journey to this work
Tantric Buddhism says we can burn out the roots of our desires
Why being closed affects your sleep
External closure to those who disagree with you
How the real work is done when you’re back to ordinary reality
Living in a closed mind you still get short term pleasures
Experiencing sadness grief as part of the human experience
Daily why and how Nate interrupts his closedness and moves into openness
What openness looks and feels like
To learn more about Nate's work and books: https://www.nateklemp.com/
And to learn about Dawson's work and his books: https://dawsonchurch.com/
#blissbrain #mindtomatter #eft #meditation #highenergyhealth #expansivemind #distractedworld #mindfulness

Thursday Oct 17, 2024
Healing Through Feeling: Rachel Kaplan and Dawson Church in Conversation
Thursday Oct 17, 2024
Thursday Oct 17, 2024
Rachel Kaplan, MA, MFT, is a licensed psychotherapist and author of the book Feel, Heal, and Let That Sh*t Go. Kaplan has studied yoga, meditation, and hands-on healing practices in India and Nepal, earned a master’s degree in counseling psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies, and trained in cutting-edge trauma modalities such as EMDR. She divides her time between Oakland and Joshua Tree, California.
Here she and Dawson discuss:
Rachel's story
How human relationships inherently involve loss and challenges
When decades of emotional numbness isn’t easy to overcome
When people don’t allow themselves a physical based feeling
The lurking sense of impostor syndrome
The inability to slow down because of all the distractions
First Step... ask a key question: What qualities of me do I not accept?
Emotional release work
Letting the energy of emotions move through you
Moving anger is high energy release
Emotional resilience
Why EMDR is one of the most powerful forms of trauma healing
Brave into the unknown... face your fears and you’ll build self-trust
To learn more about Rachel: https://thefeelingsmovement.com/
And for more about Dawson: https://dawsonchurch.com/
#highenergyhealth #feelings #healing #mindtomatter #blissbrain #emdr #eft #meditation
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